Call for Abstract

11th World Congress on Veterinary & Animal Science, will be organized around the theme “Current Trends in Veterinary and Animal Science”

Veterinary Congress 2019 is comprised of 26 tracks and 1 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Veterinary Congress 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Veterinary Science is important to the study of livestock, herd health and monitoring the spread of disease. It requires the application of scientific knowledge in multiple areas and the use of technical skills in disease prevention that may affect both pets and wild animals. Animal Production facilitates improvements in agricultural productivity, with emphasis on animal production systems and administers the animal improvement. Animal production sector has been undergoing change at a remarkable pace over the past few decades.


  • Track 1-1Animal Viruses

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medication that focus on the anticipation, conclusion and treatment of malady, issue and damage in non-human creatures. The medicinal science worried about the finding, treatment and aversion of illnesses in creatures. Beside diagnosing and treating wiped out and harmed creatures, veterinarians keep the transmission of creature ailments to individuals, and inform proprietors on the correct care regarding creatures. Veterinarians work to guarantee a sheltered sustenance supply by keeping up the soundness of horticultural creatures and by investigating nourishment preparing ventures. Veterinarians are additionally associated with the conservation of untamed life.


A Veterinary surgery is a surgery performed on animal, and it is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease using instruments. A person who performs all this are called veterinary surgeons. The objective of veterinary surgery might be very extraordinary in pets and in cultivate creatures. In the previous, the circumstance is more near that with people, where the advantage to the patient is the imperative factor.


Animal disease, a weakness of the ordinary condition of a creature that hinders or changes its fundamental capacities. Worry with infections that harass pet’s dates from the most punctual human contacts with pets and is reflected in early perspectives of religion and enchantment. Ailments of pets remain a worry essentially because of the monetary misfortunes they cause and the conceivable transmission of the causative operators to people.


The worldwide veterinary immunization advertise is required to reach at a CAGR of 6.2% to achieve USD 12.6 billion by 2025, as indicated by new report by Grand View Research. The huge goals of veterinary antibodies is to improve the prosperity and welfare of accomplice animals, increase age of trained creatures for all intents and purposes, and keep animal to-human transmission from both private animals and characteristic life. Rabies inoculations for nearby animals and untamed life have nearly wiped out human rabies in made countries.


Animal nutrition involves the investigation of the organization and attributes of the material devoured by the creature, the way in which this material is processed in the stomach related tract and body cells of mono gastric creatures, ruminants, and lower stomach related tract fermenters. Creature sustenance centers around the dietary needs of creatures, essentially those in farming and nourishment generation, yet in addition in zoos, aquariums, and untamed life administration. Creature sustenance programs are regularly offered as claims to fame or sub-units in creature science programs.


The procedure by which pets offer ascent to posterity and which on a very basic level comprises of the isolation of a segment of the parental body by a sexual or an asexual procedure and its resulting development and separation into another person. The part of proliferation is to accommodate the proceeded with presence of an animal types. Creatures contend with different people in the earth to keep up themselves for a time-frame adequate to empower them to deliver tissue insignificant to their own survival, yet crucial to the upkeep of the species.


One Health is the integrative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. Together, the three make up the One Health triad, and the health of each is inextricably connected to the others in the triad. Understanding and addressing the health issues created at this intersection is the foundation for the concept of One Health.


Veterinary physiology includes the study of animals' organs and biological systems, methods of diagnosis and treatments for disease.


Animal development, the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by the parent generation.


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR or AR) is the ability of a microbe to resist the effects of medication that once could successfully treat the microbe. The term antibiotic resistance is a subset of AMR, as it applies only to bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. Resistant microbes are more difficult to treat, requiring alternative medications or higher doses of antimicrobials. These approaches may be more expensive, more toxic or both. Microbes resistant to multiple antimicrobials are called multidrug resistant (MDR). Those considered extensively drug resistant (XDR) or totally drug resistant (TDR) are sometimes called "superbugs".


Veterinary Nursing is the supportive care of animals receiving treatment within a veterinary practice. A veterinary nurse works as a member of the veterinary team, providing expert nursing care for sick animals. Veterinary nurses also play a significant role in educating owners on maintaining the health of their pets. They carry out technical work and are skilled in undertaking a range of diagnostic tests, medical treatments and minor surgical procedures, under veterinary direction. Veterinary nurses help veterinary surgeons (vets) by providing nursing care for sick, injured and hospitalized animals. They also play an important role in educating owners on good standards of animal care and welfare. A veterinary nurse needs to be calm and confident when handling animals. 


Veterinary public health (VPH) is a component of public health that focuses on the application of veterinary science to protect and improve the physical, mental and social well-being of humans.


Precision livestock farming is a tool that imparts continuous automated real-time data to help monitor and manage livestock production and ameliorate individual animal or overall performance. Many years of innovation and early adoption of new technologies has enhanced their success. The pace of change and range of opportunities are unlikely to diminish in the future and we surmise it is vital for all farmers to keep in touch with innovations and understand how they can be applied to their farming businesses to improve their management and physical and financial performance.


Animal agriculture is the practice of breeding animals for the production of animal products and for recreational purposes.


The farming of aquatic organisms like fishes, aquatic plants, molluscus, crustaceans etc, is known as aqualculture. Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish.


Dairy science investigates the innovation and science behind the generation of milk and milk products. It is a field that arrangements with the preparing of milk and its items. This field includes the utilization of "technology" to make the dairy products and processing more advanced, hi-tech and useful. The dairy technology is a part of food innovation that particularly manages the handling, stockpiling, packaging, distribution and transportation of the dairy items like milk, frozen yogurt, curd and so forth by suggesting the study of biochemistry, bacteriology, nourishment to the milk and milk products.


Veterinary Cytopathology is concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the gross examination, microscopic, and molecular examination of organs, tissues, and whole bodies (necropsy). Veterinary pathologists are doctors of veterinary medicine who specialize in the diagnosis of diseases through the examination of animal tissue and body fluids. Other than the diagnosis of disease in food-producing animals, companion animals, zoo animals and wildlife, veterinary pathologists also have an important role in drug discovery and safety as well as scientific research. Veterinary Clinical Sciences is concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids such as blood, urine or cavitary effusions, or tissue aspirates using the tools of chemistry, microbiology, hematology and molecular pathology.


Histology is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals. It is commonly performed by examining cells and tissues under a light microscope or electron microscope, which have been sectioned, stained and mounted on a microscope slide. Histological studies may be conducted using tissue culture, where live human or animal cells are isolated and maintained in an artificial environment for various research projects.


Ethology is the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour, usually with a focus on behaviour under natural conditions, and viewing behaviour as an evolutionarily adaptive trait. Behaviourism is a term that also describes the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour, usually referring to measured responses to stimuli or trained behavioural responses in a laboratory context, without a particular emphasis on evolutionary adaptivity.


Internal medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the internal body systems. Internists specialize in the management of patients that have disorders that are complicated to diagnose or to treat, or multi-system disease processes, or conditions that are not responding to treatment as expected.


The world of animal medicine has seen extraordinary mechanical advances over the most recent years. A large number of new strategies and devices have been received from human medical practice. The advances have prompted better medications, as well as speedier and precise determination. From Ultrasounds and MRIs to the Amplatz Canine Ductal Occluder, there are numerous new innovations that outfit veterinarians with the capacity to analyze and at last spare debilitated animals. MRI innovation has been greatly instrumental in the advancement of human neuroscience. Vets are presently utilizing the imaging innovation look into the brains of pets and wild animals. Then again, ultrasounds have the upside of not requiring anesthesia and nearly shoddy to perform. Laparoscopic strategies utilize a little camera and light source that can be consolidated into the stomach or thoracic depression for a look inside the body. This is yet another case of adjustment of human drug innovation to the set of all animals. With the improvement of new veterinary innovation comes the need for those with particular preparation. Veterinary innovation guarantees a remunerating vocation for any individual who has a passion for animals.

Toxicology: It grasps the general investigation of starting point, properties and impacts of toxins upon the creature body and has the reasonable question of the analysis and treatment of harming together with an investigation of the posthumous signs and the synthetic location of toxic substances. Toxic substances might be classified as natural, inorganic, metallic or organic.


Veterinary epidemiology is an important feature of wellbeing and veterinary general wellbeing. Epidemiology is concerned with populations rather than individuals. Both therapeutic and veterinary the study of disease transmission utilizes similar ideas which is the reason it was viewed as fitting to utilize some truly applicable medicinal cases in this course. Veterinary the study of disease transmission is a key part in some of the worldwide terrific difficulties identifying with malady control, sustenance security and environmental change. Hence, there is a need to enhance our capacity to comprehend, foresee and react to examples and flow of infection and to control flare-ups.


Veterinary Microbiology is the branch of study mainly concerned with microbes that are responsible for causing diseases to animals. It is purely concerned with microbial (bacterial, fungal, viral) diseases of domesticated animals (livestock, fur-bearing animals, game, poultry, and fish) that supply food and other useful products. Microbial diseases caused by the wild animals living in captivity and who are the members of the feral and fauna will also considered if the infections are because of their interrelation with humans or domestic animals. There are several microbes caused fatal diseases to domesticated animals and generally transmitted from companion animals via food and water sometimes by air also.